Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cashion at 7 months

I love this look that he does. He tucks his lips in and says "Ooooooh."
Coming up to sitting

Everything in the mouth

Cashion's favorite book and if you look closely, you might be able to see the 2 teeth on bottom.

Cashion just figured out how to come to sitting from a crawling position today! I am always so amazed to watch typical development in my own children. It really is miraculous. He is just starting to figure out how to crawl on hands and knees, but he sure can motor around on his tummy now. He is sitting fairly well now, though he does occasionally still lose his balance. He still does not love baby food. I am not sure how much he actually swallows, between him spitting it out and getting it all over himself as he is constantly grabbing the spoon. His favorite book is "Where is Baby's Belly Button?" He giggles at the babies as you lift the flaps. He coos the sweetest sounds and is more of a snuggler than Sadie was. He is my sweet boy.


Tracy said...

I love these pictures of Cashion, especially the close-up of him sitting up. That look on his face is priceless. Can't wait to snuggle him tomorrow.

Bia Oliveira said...

omG, ur babys are so pretty!!!
