Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cashion at 6 months

Big changes for Cashion over the last couple of months. Since turning 6 months old, he has figured out how to roll from his tummy to his back, crawl on his belly, sit by himself briefly and start to eat a little bit of baby food. His is now 75th percentile for height, weight and head circumference. Weighing in at...19 pounds! Just a little perspective, Sadie didn't weigh 20 pounds until after her 1st birthday. He does seem to have slowed down on gaining weight, though. He is starting to look longer rather than just round, though he still has those adorably chubby cheeks and thighs. Cashion is not really sure about rice cereal, but seems to like applesauce. It seems like he spits more out than he swallows. He is babbling with sounds like "bababa and gaga" and he can squeal really loud.

He is enjoying a couple of mornings a week with Bebe and likes to watch the other babies at Sammy's House, where he goes with me to work a couple of afternoons per week. He continues to be an amazing sleeper! How did we get so lucky? He is sleeping from around 7:30pm to 7:30am and then taking 2-3 naps during the day. This boy loves his sleep, just as much as his sister did. He is such a happy baby except when he is teething. He seems to be working on one of his top teeth now. He sure drools a whole lot more than I remember Sadie doing. But, his smile lights up a room and his giggle is priceless.

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