Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cashion at 4 months

Our baby boy is 4 months old now and about as chilled out as he appears in that picture. He is sleeping great and happy as a clam the few hours that he is awake per day. He must be going through a growth spurt, because he is taking 3 naps per day and sleeping 12 hours/night waking up only once to eat. He puts himself to sleep all by himself, which somehow happened on its own. We didn't even have to Ferberize him! And he is completely out of the swaddle now. He gets so hot, that he just sleeps in a onesie. No footy pajamas for his kid.
He is so smiley. He coos and squeals when he is excited. He can really get those arms and legs flailing, too. He is able to reach and grasp a small toy and bring it to his mouth. He prefers to suck on his two middle fingers, which apparently his Bebe favored too, as a child. He scoots backwards on his back by pushing with his feet and gets mad when he reaches the bumper on his crib or ends up off the blanket on the floor. He is rolling from his back to his side, though not all the way over yet. He sits in his Bumbo now and prefers the bouncy seat to the swing. He can kick the toys hanging down on the bouncy seat, which makes the music turn on. He is definitely starting to play, which just thrills Sadie to no end. He really gets a kick out of her, just smiling and giggling at how silly she can be.
We saw Dr. Brown today for his 4 month check-up, so here are the stats:
Weight: 16 pounds, 10 ounces (90th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 43 cm (75th percentile)
He is a big boy, but not as big as we thought. I was sure he was approaching 20 pounds. We are probably going to have outgrown the infant car seat by his 6 month check-up!

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