Thursday, August 13, 2009

Potty Time, Excellent!

So, it's official. Our baby is no longer a baby, but a certifiable big girl. (Or maybe I'm the one's that certifiable). I finally bit the bullet and started potty training boot camp on Tuesday and she has done great. This is a picture of the first day when we switched from diapers to training pants and she was teaching her doll how to use the potty. Of course, she really got into that part. She had a wonderfully nutritious day of juice, lollipops and cookies, but I have to say it was worth it. She has had only one minor accident yesterday and today, so far, and we even were out of the house all morning visiting Tracy and Owen. Yay!!! She usually runs to the potty screaming, "hurry, I've got to potty!" and even though we've had a bunch of false alarms (in search of more stickers and candy), I'd rather be safe than sorry. I know we have a long way to go before we are completely done with diapers at nap and bedtime, but I think we are on the right track. We'll see what happens when she starts preschool in another week.

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