Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First day of Preschool

I just dropped Sadie off for her first day of preschool! She did pretty well considering she is not used to being dropped off anywhere other than Bebe's house on a regular basis. She only cried for a minute and then was off to explore the Magnadoodles. We got off to a little bit of a late start this morning, but we made it basically on time (9am). She was a champ and ate all of her breakfast quickly, which has never happened before. I got to use school as a good excuse to buy her this adorable tote bag with her name on it and these super cute bento boxes for her lunch. Packing her lunch has been the one thing I had been stressing about, but it was actually pretty fun when I put it together last night. We'll see how long that lasts. She went to school in her big girl underwear, not training pants, so that will be another adventure. So, hurray for Sadie starting school and hurray for me to get a little time to myself before baby #2 arrives (for those of you who don't know, we are expecting a new arrival around February 10, 2010!)


Diane said...

I think I may shed a tear or two thinking of her going to preschool already. I know she's excited though and I'm sure she'll do great!

Kara said...

I picked her up this afternoon while she was still finishing her lunch and she was all smiles. The teacher said she cried again a little about noon, but then was fine. In the car on the way home she said, "Thank you mommy for coming back to get me." I assured her I would always come back to get her and she said, "I love you mommy." She knows exactly how to melt my heart.