Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cashion at 18 months

I'm walking now!

My favorite book

I love my Sissy

Even if I pull her hair sometimes

I eat all by myself

Cashion has made some big changes from age 17 months to 19 months. He took his first timid step by 15 months, but didn't really walk until 17 months old. Now he walks everywhere and it looks strange when he drops down to crawling on the rare occasion. He can hold onto the wall and step down a step, but still falls down sometimes. He drags all his matchbox cars and other toys out and scatters them all over the floor and then proceeds to cry out as he steps on them while walking across the room. He has weeny little feet. He gets his feelings hurt and cries more than Sadie did at this age, but his tantrums have decreased now that he is getting more words. (He still pulls his sister's hair on occasion, even when he is not defending his possessions). He loves bubbles baths, balls, trucks, tractors, trains, matchbox cars, and his 100 first machines book. He likes to point to each one and have you name it. He repeats most of what we say now. At 19 months, these are some but not all of his words:

Mama, Dada, Sissy/Sadie, Papa, Bebe, Nana, Ball, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Bubble, Bath, Star, Bright, Tractor, Truck, Car-Car, Wee-ooh-wee-ooh (Siren of the Firetruck), More, Wawa (Water), Walk, Doggie, Animal Sounds: Moo, Quack, a snorting sound for a pig, Mow (Meow), Baa, Bock-Bock, Roar, Outside, Playground, Shoe, On/Off (both sound the same), Nino (Dino), Bock-bock (Backpack), Hat, Elbow, Banana, Cracker, Hot Dog, and Thank You.

One of the problems with being the 2nd child is that you have to watch whatever TV your older sibling likes. Therefore, Cashion has seen more Spongebob Squarepants than any one-year-old should. A few months ago, he said "Aye-aye" when he saw the pirate come on and now he says "Spongebob" and sings "Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh" at he beginning of the song. It is hilarious and mortifying all at the same time.

Cashion is a great eater. He ate an entire chicken soft taco with rice and beans at Maudie's last night. He even held the spoon correctly and got the beans to his mouth on his own!

Most of all, I enjoy that he is still a snuggler. He loves to sit and read books before bedtime. Then, he snuggles in for our lullaby and gives really good hugs and kisses. He even asks to kiss his Sissy goodnight. He really is a sweet little boy and I love that I can still cuddle with him even though he is getting so big.

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