Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cashion at 8 months

Wow, this has been an amazing month of change! Cashion is now crawling all over the place and pulling up on the couch! He still falls backwards sometimes and bumps his head, but usually recovers pretty quickly with a hug and a kiss. He is really interested in toys. He bangs things together with both hands and still needs to "taste" everything. Speaking of tasting, he has learned to love food. He now eats 2 jars of baby food at one sitting. He eats quickly and without much mess, which is a huge change from last month. He still loves his bottle and likes to drink it facing away from you so he can rest on your chest. I started this when he didn't want to take a bottle from me initially, thinking it would be better if he couldn't see me and it has kind of stuck. He fusses everytime the bottle is finished. He drinks it so fast it hasn't had a chance to hit his belly yet! He uses one finger to poke and point at things. Cashion is starting to pick up the Graduates "puffs", but still has trouble getting them into his mouth since they tend to get stuck in his hand. We have moved him into a rear-facing toddler car seat since he has outgrown the infant seat. Cashion loves splashing around in the bath. He is such a water baby.

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