Monday, February 1, 2010

Christmas and New Years

We had so much fun celebrating the holidays with family and friends, that I got out of the habit of blogging. And since we are expecting the baby boy on Friday, there may be another long pause in this journal. However, I couldn't let the festivities go completely unnoticed before we dive back into the world of having a newborn.
Sadie, Dana, Bebe and I went to see the Nutcracker at the Long Center. Sadie was a little fidgety, which is to be expected, but generally she did great. The next day was Christmas Eve and the service at our church is perfect for kids this age, short and sweet with the addition of "ears" for all the kids to play a part. This is Sadie's 3rd appearance as a lamb.
Christmas morning was really fun this year. Sadie had been eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival, but was sad to learn that he came while she was asleep (should have been a little more clear about that one.) She tore into gifts with gusto, but wanted to play with each one before moving onto the next.
It was wonderful to have so many of our family members enjoy this at our house again this year. Bebe, Papa, Dana, Granny and Nana were all troopers to head over first thing Christmas morning for breakfast and gifts. Then, we headed over to Bebe and Papa's house where Papa had collected as many members of Santa's plush reindeer team he could find. Apparently, he had shop managers on speed-dial trying to locate the remaining members. He sure does love his Sadie Belle. The Tingley clan and Nana joined us for lunch and Sadie enjoyed baby Jack, Amy and Frank's new little one (Dana and cousin Jack watching Granny's great-grandkids interact below).

When Dana returned to NYC, Stacy, Greg, Katelyn, Mason and Gracie arrived from Missouri. We had an awesome time hanging out and eating at a number of legendary Austin spots (thanks to Mason's interest in the show "Man versus Food"). He tried to beat the record at Juan in a Million, enjoyed lots of Salt Lick BBQ and attempted the 14 inch Round Rock Donut...something only a teenage boy could do all in one weekend. Once again, Gracie and Sadie were two peas in a pod, but all of the kids were so attentive and sweet with her. I wish you all lived closer!

So, then it was back to real life and the preparation for baby #2. Sadie is fully moved into her big girl room, in all its pink and green girly glory. She has done great sleeping in her big girl bed and I have been counting my blessings that she still takes a long afternoon nap. She is loving preschool and really coming out of her shell there (those of you who spend time with her outside of school are saying, "what shell?" but apparently it has taken her this long to get comfortable with a group setting.) She eagerly awaits baby brother's arrival, or Cleatus as we have come to call him instead of mosquito bite. (You only have to wait a couple more days to learn his real name!) We are trying to make some time to do a few special things for Sadie during these days leading up to the dramatic change in her life. Sunday we took her to her first movie in the movie theatre. We saw "The Princess and the Frog" and she did not move a muscle the whole time while sitting in my lap. Soaking it all in as usual. She will get another Daddy Day on Thursday before we take her to Bebe and Papa's to spend the night before we go into the hospital on Friday morning. So, stay tuned for a renamed blog. What will it be called now?

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