Sunday, June 14, 2009

The cast

As some of you know, Sadie broke the first distal metatarsal on her right foot after tripping on the rug at home on Wednesday. Even though neither of her parents has ever broken a bone, somehow our cautious little girl managed to break her foot making the trecherous trek across our living room. She stopped putting weight on her foot after that and wouldn't take any steps. So, we made a stop at the pediatrician's office, the x-ray place and the orthopedist over the next several days. She was pretty excited about her "purple boot" and doesn't seem to mind it at this point. She can even take a bath and go swimming because we opted for the gortex wrap that is waterproof. All in all, she is much happier now because she can get back to the business of playing. She will be in the cast for 3 1/2 weeks and then she should be fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How does Sadie make a cast so cute!? And, of course, she had to get purple crocs. Love it.