Sadie showing off her eye shadow

They definitely had the cutest costumes of the bunch

Sadie and her teacher, Miss Trish
Sadie had her very first dance recital the day before her 4th birthday. She was so excited to wear her costume (and make-up) and show her family what she has been working on all year. They danced to "Little April Showers" from the movie Bambi. They had the cutest little white umbrellas that they twirled and hid behind. Sadie's favorite part of the dance was when she got to skip among the umbrellas. Dana was in for the weekend so she got to relive our days at Shirley McPhail School of Dance.
The girls watching a movie while they wait for their turn to dance. Remind me never to sign up to be a backstage mom. They get a raw deal...they have to wrangle all these bored little girls and keep them from messing up their costumes. They have to watch the dance from the wings while the rest of us relax in the theater.