Monday, December 20, 2010

Sadie says (part 2)...

"That house is made out of logs, it is called a cabbage."
The next day:
Matt: "What is that log house called?"
Sadie: "a lettuce"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sadie says...

...the funniest, no grossest, stuff.

"Sometimes at bedtime I get hungry so I eat my earwax." (Seriously?)

Turkey Day

Cashion enjoying the yummy turkey and stuffing

We had a lovely, quiet Thanksgiving Day at Bebe and Papa's house. Nana joined us and brought the Razzleberry pie (a crowd favorite!) We filled our bellies and then the kids (and I) couldn't fight the Turkilepsy. As usual, Mom, it was delicious.

Gramps and Mimi visit over Thanksgiving

We enjoyed many yummy meals with Gramps and Mimi and her family throughout the week. Here we are at Pat's house (Wendy's mom) with their extended family. They are always so welcoming to us.
Wendy's sister, Erin, loved on Cashion and her kids, Avery and Ryan, were great playmates for Sadie.

Sadie with Mimi and Avery

Cashion at 9 months

During Cashion's 9th month, he started cruising and he can lower himself to sitting from standing at the couch. He can pick up and eat Cheerios by himself and is liking solid food better than his bottle. He is quick with his smile and it is SO big. His first word was "Mama" (woohoo, I got one...Sadie said "Dada" first.) We think "Baba" is actually how he says "Daddy." He is waving "bye bye." He has 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom). Cashion can play on his own for a while now. He is so interested in toys and can turn the pages of a book that we are reading to him. He is in 12 month size clothes and weighs 21 pounds (70th percentile). Dr. Brown said that babies who start out as big as Cashion usually start to slow down on their growth about now and show their true position on the growth chart. His is 28.5 inches tall (50th percentile) and his head circumference is 46.5 cm (80th percentile.)

Cashion loves his friends and caregivers at Sammy's House where he spends 3 half days per week. But, for the first time he cried when I walked away from him a couple of weeks ago. He gets so excited to see me when I return that he quickly crawls over to me with a huge grin. He loves everything that his sister does. Sadie loves to give him hugs and kisses and teach him about things.

Halloween weekend with Dana and Ian

We had a great weekend with Dana and Ian. We just hung out, ate good food and played with the kids. Can't wait to see you both again soon!

Alice in Wonderland

I finally convinced Sadie to choose a costume that I could manage by promising that we would all go as characters from Alice in Wonderland. So here we are...Alice, the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts. We enjoyed the neighborhood block party with Papa, Dana and Ian, but Bebe wasn't feeling well so she stayed home. Dana and Ian went trick-or-treating around the block with us. I am so glad we got to share our Halloween with them.

Sadie laid her loot out in rows on the couch to survey the goods. This is so her personality. Then she ate one piece and went to bed. She enjoyed a treat after dinner each night until she was ready to trade the rest in for Toy Story 3 (thanks, Nana). For weeks after Halloween, Sadie was talking about what her costume would be next year and having candy to give to her friends. Man she loves Halloween!

Fall Fun

Sadie carved her pumpkin with her Daddy, but wasn't wild about the "goop" inside. She is really into all things holiday now. Each year she gets more and more excited about each holiday-related activity. It is so much fun to experience it with her.

She even got to wear her costume to dance class. Check out Miss Laurie (big bird) and Miss Trish (Elmo)!